Red and Purple Line TOD
Chicago Transit Authority
Chicago, IL
The Red and Purple Line Modernization (RPM) Program is a multi-stage Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) development aimed at accomplishing extensive transit system improvements.
The CTA contracted SCB to complete a comprehensive planning and development study for phase one. The RPM Transit-Oriented Development Plan focuses on parcels acquired to support the Phase One track construction efforts and facilitation of subsequent disposition of the parcels after the project is complete. The outcomes of the planning process will include specific redevelopment strategies for impacted parcels, as well as identification of land use and public realm recommendations for the overall study area. The TOD Plan study areas encompass roughly 200 acres of mixed-use neighborhoods surrounding the CTA alignment, including the area immediately surrounding the Belmont Red Line Station in Lakeview, and the Broadway Avenue corridor located in the Uptown and Edgewater neighborhoods.

The concepts resulting from the public outreach process are closely aligned with the character and goals of the neighborhood, while a detailed real estate market analysis provides necessary background research to ensure that balanced and realistic development strategies are proposed for the sites.