Center for Translational Research and Education
The Center for Translational Research and Education (CTRE) is an integrated research and teaching facility that augments bench-to-bedside effectiveness created by co-localizing basic sciences with clinical research, including population, health services, nursing and intervention foci, all targeted on improving prevention strategies and treatment outcomes for the patient.

The CTRE allows for program consolidation; provides a high-quality interactive and collaborative research environment; supports program growth; and encourages outreach and interaction between the Loyola University Chicago Health Sciences Campus, Loyola University Health System, and the surrounding community.
The SCB-led design team focused on creating flexible, state-of-the-art laboratory spaces and a variety of office and collaborative environments on the upper floors, as well as a more public, accessible ground floor with an auditorium for large lectures and public, health-related community events.
Working with Transsolar, the design team’s sustainable approach concentrated on environmental stewardship, energy efficiency, and interior environmental quality. The research laboratories are awash in daylight and surrounded by a naturally ventilated area for write ups. The project is projected to reach LEED Gold certification. Programming and lab and vivarium planning for the project was provided by SmithGroupJJR.