We Are SCB

Jeff Kocinski

How long have you been at SCB?

5 years.

How did you end up at SCB?

I wanted to work on big, complex projects.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the challenge of developing workflows to meet our client’s requirements to provide contract documents and BIM models as deliverables.  It allows me to apply my experience and knowledge to help advance the profession as it continues to evolve.

What is the most important thing you have learned in your career?

When people say something isn’t possible on a project, figure out the why. Is it the building code, a technical or functional reason, a cost constraint, or some other reason? It expands your knowledge and sets you up to make sound choices in the future.

What advice can you give to young or future designers and planners?

Read technical architectural books. Get involved in design industry organizations like Passive House Institute US, Illinois Green Alliance, Living Futures, Lean Construction Institute, your local chapter of the AIA. There are lots of groups that are sure to focus on what you are most passionate about.